Sunday, November 21, 2010


My inconsistency is definitely going to show through my blogging life (as it does in every other part). Inconsistency tends to be my friend, and it's not a good thing at all. I believe it goes hand-in-hand with my indecisiveness as well. If you know me, you know that I hate making decisions. Decisions are not fun whether big or small for me. I wish I wasn't this way, but I am. Even the smallest things like favorites. I can't have one single favorite of things because I can't choose. It's always annoying hard when people ask what my favorite movie/song/band/TV show, etc is because I don't have one single favorite. I'm sure it's frustrating for people when they receive my answer, "I don't have one favorite, but I like...". My apologies to all. I also believe almost anything you tell me. Can you say gullible? But enough of that.

Dave Matthews last Tuesday was absolutely incredible...

Jacob, me, Jackson, and AK before the concert 
Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue opened and were so awesome. Very talented and funky band. 
During the concert 
It was an amazing night, indeed.

Needless to say, last week was a fun-filled week. With DMB on Tuesday, Tacky Christmas swap on Wednesday, Holiday in the Junction, KD pancakes and Elf on Thursday, Anchorball on Friday, and State/Arkansas yesterday, all with wonderful people, I must say it was a great one. And for this coming week, Thanksgiving and time with family. I can't wait.

Don't forget my countdown:
25 days until Christmas concert in Nashville -- for you, Lo ;)
28 days until my birthday. Woot woot!
34 days until Christmas!
