Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Nashville love

As you may notice, I changed up the looks of things around here once again. It's always refreshing to do a little rearranging even though I usually get really frustrated because it doesn't always work out how I would like.. but I'm still alive and well, no damage done. Before I begin rambling, I'll give you a few more pictures from the weekend because I just can't resist..

 <<< Spent my Saturday night 
      with this sweet guy, Earl

                                         And his pup, Dora, who snuggled with me after bedtime >>>

Then yesterday, we made art...

 (complete with a mustache and all.. love this picture)

That's all the pictures for now. There will be plenty more to come from the vacation in the near future, so have no fear! But like I said, I am having a wonderful time in Nashville again this summer and as last summer, am learning so much. During my stay, I get to attend Lori and George's church, Midtown Fellowship, and am always richly blessed by it. Unfortunately, like many others, I have had a difficult time finding a church home in Starkville since I've been at State, and it gets a little frustrating. But I always look forward to my Nashville trips and going to Midtown.

So anyways... this summer I have heard a couple of sermons that have truly stuck with me. The most recent was yesterday when Randy discussed giving glory to God and our freedom. The passage he spoke about was 1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1, and he discussed the command to do everything for the glory of God. Through this he reminded us that God IS glorious and doesn't need us to add to his glory. He is totally and completely satisfied in Himself, and we give him glory by proclaiming HIS glory. So often I think we can get caught up in what we are to do and how we are to live and not to live, but it's not about us! We must take the focus off of ourselves and focus on the Lord and be satisfied in His glory rather than living as if we are working, working, working to make Him happier - because we aren't! Randy also talked about our freedom as Christians. We are free from sin and free to do as we please.. but we must be certain not to cause others to stumble. Even though we are free from sin, those around us may not be and we should not cross the line for THEIR sake. This takes the focus off of ourselves and places it on others - which is what the Lord asks of us. How much farther this takes us from sin when we begin to love people as ourselves! It is always so refreshing to understand things in a new light. Hopefully you understood the way I was able to... sorry for my lack of writing skills.. I tend to get a little scatter-brained.

But I hope that you all have a wonderful and fun week!

"Glory to God is finding our deepest satisfaction in Him..."

anna j